jueves, 6 de octubre de 2016

miércoles, 20 de julio de 2016



A large group of South American artists tell us their personal vision of the world through the energy of realism, with the profound and pure language of their drawings and oil paintings. An art full of life, intelligible, with current issues. Together they form “Contemporary South American Realism”, a group of artists that express themselves with a solid style, reassessing the traditional artistic profession; representing people, local customs and landscapes from their magic Continent.

Contemporary South American Realism

Contemporary South American Realism

Las obras en exposicion

Niñes Perdida
Deyvid Bermudez

Desnudo Sudamericano
Elio Marruffo

Estudio de una mirada
Armando Requena

Lima Tradicional
Victor Gonzales Bojorquez

Caterina II
Carlos Muller Jiskra

Yawar Fiesta
Gustavo González Echeverría
T- 2627588

Diego Peña
T- 993751358

Campo de Colores
Jherson Gutierrez
T- 935210950

Carlos Ponce Guzmán
T- 955173721

Entre Pieles
Percy León Laguna
T- 991690291

lunes, 27 de junio de 2016


Contemporary South American Realism

A large group of South American artists tell us their personal vision of the world through the energy of realism, with the profound and pure language of their drawings and oil paintings. An art full of life, intelligible, with current issues. Together they form “Contemporary South American Realism”, a group of artists that express themselves with a solid style, reassessing the traditional artistic profession; representing people, local customs and landscapes from their magic Continent.

martes, 21 de junio de 2016


Reunidos en número de 19 artistas del realismo, fuimos acogidos por el Congreso peruano, quien apoyó la iniciativa integradora de Realismo Sudamericano Contemporáneo.
La colaboración del Congresista Fredy Otárola deja constancia de la preocupación constante del Parlamento por la cultura del pueblo, brindandonos las salas de exposición Luna Pizarro del Congreso para difundir nuestro arte, llegándo al público visitante con nuestro mensaje claro, poderoso y trascendente.
La energía del realismo, los rostros y parajes de nuestra tierra, la visión de gran contenido humanista del estilo realista tradicional y contemporáneo, puesta de manifiesto en el mas honroso lugar de la patria.
Así empezamos este camino de hermandad y en favor de la gente, por un mejor tiempo para el arte de nuestra sociedad.
Mantengámos esa visión, cada vez mas fortalecida, buscando mas cantidad de miembros y la calidad de su obra, que nos distingue, de otros tipos de arte,  mejorando los proyectos y creciendo.
Gracias amigos.

A large group of South American artists tell us their personal vision of the world through the energy of realism, with the profound and pure language of their drawings and oil paintings. An art full of life, intelligible, with current issues. Together they form “Contemporary South American Realism”, a group of artists that express themselves with a solid style, reassessing the traditional artistic profession; representing people, local customs and landscapes from their magic Continent.

A large group of South American artists tell us their personal vision of the world through the energy of realism, with the profound and pure language of their drawings and oil paintings. An art full of life, intelligible, with current issues. Together they form “Contemporary South American Realism”, a group of artists that express themselves with a solid style, reassessing the traditional artistic profession; representing people, local customs and landscapes from their magic Continent.

A large group of South American artists tell us their personal vision of the world through the energy of realism, with the profound and pure language of their drawings and oil paintings. An art full of life, intelligible, with current issues. Together they form “Contemporary South American Realism”, a group of artists that express themselves with a solid style, reassessing the traditional artistic profession; representing people, local customs and landscapes from their magic Continent.

A large group of South American artists tell us their personal vision of the world through the energy of realism, with the profound and pure language of their drawings and oil paintings. An art full of life, intelligible, with current issues. Together they form “Contemporary South American Realism”, a group of artists that express themselves with a solid style, reassessing the traditional artistic profession; representing people, local customs and landscapes from their magic Continent.

Contemporary South American Realism